article from dreambodysixpack]
Ben Pakulsk is new to the world of fitness products and I’ll admit that until his first,M140 was recommended on Vince Delmonte’s website I’d never heard of him. If you haven’t either then all you really need to know is that he’s a professional bodybuilder hoping to win the 2012 Mr Olympia and his website states you can, “Discover how you can immediately double your muscle gains, remodel any ‘weak’ body part, smash every plateau, all while revealing abs at the same time”.
article from dreambodysixpack]
Ben Pakulsk is new to the world of fitness products and I’ll admit that until his first,M140 was recommended on Vince Delmonte’s website I’d never heard of him. If you haven’t either then all you really need to know is that he’s a professional bodybuilder hoping to win the 2012 Mr Olympia and his website states you can, “Discover how you can immediately double your muscle gains, remodel any ‘weak’ body part, smash every plateau, all while revealing abs at the same time”.
Sound like why we’re here so I downloaded the MI40 ebooks and videos and got stuck in. The basic product consists of…
MASS Instruction Workout Videos – The MI40 videos are split into separate body parts: Back, Biceps, Chest, Deltoids, Hamstrings, Legs, Triceps, and Abs, and are several hours long in total. Ben demonstrates the MI40 technique by coaching male and female professional fitness models and even a guest appearance from pro bodybuilder and professional wrestler Rob Terry.
MASS Intelligence Training Manual
MASS Consumption Nutrition Manual
Mass Proportions Exercise Execution Guide
MASS Prescription Printable Workout Sheets
MASS Pursuit Calendar
MASS Supplement Stack Protocol
Size Secrets Audio Interrogation
I started with the main MI40 ebook, called MASS Intelligence Training Manual, which proves that at just 33 pages a book doesn't need to be long to be good. The first half of it is all about what a lot of people do wrong when they train, of which I was guilty of at least one, while the second half quickly and simply explains what to do about it.
The first thing Ben reveals is what the 40 in MI40 is all about:
40 days
40-seconds sets
40-second rest periods
40 exercises
Followed by the 4 variables that are to become the focus of every rep of every exercise:
Time Under Tension
Neurological Overload Sets (NOS)
Optimizing Range Of Motion
Increasing Muscular Torque
Ben then does an excellent job of explaining not only what all of this means but why this is the case, by which point I’ve already learned a lot and more than got my money’s worth.
MASS Consumption Training Manual – As you’ve probably heard before, and as I’ve often said on this site, your diet is just as if not more important than your workout. This is nicely demonstrated by the MI40 nutrition ebook having a lot more pages than the main manual.
“No gimmicks. No fads.” I couldn’t have said it better myself.
We are than introduced to the three-phase nutrition (3-PN) system, which is intended to simplify building muscle and losing fat.
Phase 1 is aimed at getting the most out of your hard work by consuming the right nutrients during training sessions.
Phase 2 is focussed on pre- and post-workout (1-3 hours) nutrition.
Phase 3, as you might have already guessed, is the rest of the time that isn’t based around your workout.
This is followed by an explanation of how growth hormone, cortisol, cortisol blockers, serotonin, and testosterone all play a part in training and how they will be manipulated to our advantage.
Now this is where things get a little complicated. In order that we get the most from the MI40 workouts we have to calculate what we’re going to consume during the 3 phases, based on things like body weight, body fat, body type. This wasn’t easy. For me at least. But it only has to be done once and I eventually got my 3-PN dealt with and moved on to meal schedules and what proportion of protein, carbohydrates and fats I would be having. This I’ve done many times before, but even so it was nicely laid out and simply explained.
The next MI40 lessons are on sources of carbohydrates, sources of proteins, and sources of fats, which although I’ve done previously did contain a few new things of information I didn’t already know.
Although the 3-PN system felt like a lot of work, it was precisely because of this that the ebook was definitely worth the read. Personally it was the MASS Instruction Workout Videos that I was most looking forward to, and that’s what I looked at next.
As someone who is a bit of an exercise and technique junkie this was my favourite part of the whole product. If I learn one thing from anything I read or watch I consider it worthwhile, but I was getting so much I gave up making notes early on because I knew I’d have to watch all the videos several times to get all the information. Definitely 10 out of 10 and worth the money just for this.
MASS Pursuit Calendar
MASS Proportions Exercise Execution Guide
As if the videos weren’t enough, MI40 also comes with an exercise guide ebook with notes on correct technique for every exercise in the entire workout. Printable so you can take them to the gym, which is useful if you’re new to weight training.
The workout sheets are also printable and show the reps, sets and order of exercises, along with a few extra tips.
As the name suggests, MI40 comes with a calendar showing exactly which workout you will be doing on which day. This might seem a bit unnecessary at first, but not only will it help you keep track of what you’re doing, it’s also a good motivational tool. Put this on the door of your refrigerator and skipping your workout for a cold beer becomes that little bit harder.
MASS Supplement Stack Protocol
If you like your supplements, then this is for you. Detailing pre- and post-workout stacks, how to alkalinise your body, and a list of the bare essentials Ben recommends. Personally I’m not a big fan of supplements but that’s not to say there’s anything wrong with them, so if you are you’ll love this.
So What’s The Verdict?
Overall I really like MI40 and learnt a lot. The ebooks are nice and short and contain everything you need to know about the thinking behind the workout without any padding, which makes a nice change. As I’ve already said, my favourite part is the workout videos. Unlike many bodybuilders Ben Pakulski is articulate and does an excellent job of explaining exactly why we’re doing what we’re doing.
I tried the MI40 workout myself for 40 days but I was a big fan after just the first week. By training this way the weights you lift are lighter, meaning a lot less stress on the joints, but the results are just as good if not better than what I’d had before. This will be a regular part of my training regime from now on.
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